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How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours and Why You Should

During the pandemic when we were all in lockdown, I took the opportunity to rediscover what things I wanted to add back into my life after much of it was taken away – and which things I wanted to leave behind. 

One of the biggest things I discovered during this period was praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Second to attending mass, praying the Liturgy of the Hours is the best way to plug yourself into the liturgy of the Church and strive toward holiness and sainthood.

I’ve tried to pray the Liturgy of the Hours at different times since converting in 2013, but it just didn’t “stick” and sadly, still didn’t stick entirely after lockdown ended.

The prayers felt dry and I felt like I was just “reading the words,” which is how another friend described to me her experience of praying the Liturgy of the Hours. 

But things have changed! Let me show you why as lay people, we are also called to this universal prayer of the Church, and perhaps if you’ve had that same “dry” experience, let me offer some tips for how to pray the Liturgy of the Hours so it can become more meaningful…


What Is the Liturgy of the Hours?

How to pray the Liturgy of the Hours

Though I’m now a 10-year and counting member of the Catholic Church, it was only about three years ago that I really began to understand what the Liturgy of the Hours truly is.

The Liturgy of the Hours is the “universal prayer” of the Church that takes place multiple times throughout the day, including 6 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. and midnight. Religious (sisters, brothers, monks and nuns) pray the full Liturgy of the Hours, much of it while gathered together, while priests and bishops are only called to pray a few of them throughout the day.

I’ve visited the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky where the monks actually get up to pray the middle-of-the-night prayer at 3:15 a.m. EVERY DAY. Can you imagine? That’s dedication!

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Vatican II calls lay people to also pray this most holy of liturgies that most closely connects the Church and is second only to the praying of the mass.

When you pray the Liturgy of the Hours, you are praying with Catholics ALL OVER THE WORLD, including bishops, cardinals and the Pope. How very cool!

The Liturgy of the Hours is a collection of Psalms, Canticles (think Mary’s Magnificat and Zechariah’s canticle), Bible readings, hymns, prayers and even readings from the saints, fathers and Doctors of the Church. They typically take between 5 to 10 minutes to pray alone or could take as long as 20 or 30 minutes when they are sung and prayed in community.

You don’t have to pray the “hours” at the exact time, but somewhere near the intended time is good. But, for example, you could pray “Morning Prayer” (called Lauds) whenever you get up in the morning or after attending daily mass in the morning and “Evening Prayer” (called Vespers) after dinner or a few hours before going to bed. “Night Prayer” (Compline) is designed for you to pray it just before going to sleep and is shorter and easier to remember.

And don’t worry, if you’re praying alone, no need to sing the hymns (how would you know the melody anyway?). Just read them like a poem.


The Office of Readings

Latin Breviary

One facet of the Liturgy of the Hours that I did NOT understand is what’s called the “Office of Readings.” You can pray this set at ANY time of day.

This is one of my favorites, because one of my charisms is “learning,” and this one is FULL of learning. 

In fact, one of my theology professors recommended as theology students we pray this daily to ensure we are fully immersed in prayer as much as we are study.

In addition to the hymn, prayers and psalms, the Office of Readings gives you a MUCH longer Bible reading and follows a sequence, so you are reading parts of Job all together or the story of King David or the judges all together, etc.

Then it’s followed by my FAVORITE part: a writing from a saint or Doctor of the Church. These readings are true gems. They are readings most people would have no idea where to find by themselves and are SO thought-provoking and interesting. 

For example, on St. Thomas More’s feast day (he’s a martyr), we read a letter he wrote to his daughter while he was imprisoned and didn’t know if he would be killed for not adhering to the religion of the state. It’s one of my favorites.

He wrote…

“Nothing can come but what God wills. And I am very sure that whatever that may be, however bad it may seem, it shall indeed be the best.”

Isn’t that incredible to take a peek into a personal letter from a saint on his deathbed? Amazing!

There’s also plenty from St. Augustine, so wise in explaining our faith, as well as St. Gregory the Great, St. Bonaventure, St. Teresa of Avila and again, readings from saints on their feast days. 

If you want to grow in the knowledge of your faith and grow in prayer, this is an AWESOME way to do it.


Why Pray the Liturgy of the Hours NOW?

catholic liturgy rosary

I personally feel extremely called to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, and I feel closer to God than ever.

I see much more clearly how he is guiding me and I see his directions for me everywhere. So much so that it almost seems ridiculous and indicates his unending generosity and tender care.

Vatican II says that praying the Liturgy of the Hours is arranged such that “the whole cycle of day and night can be consecrated through the praise of God.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, Chapter 4: 84) and that “the purpose of the [Divine Office] is to sanctify the day.”

We are CONSECRATING and SANCTIFYING our ENTIRE life, day and night, by praying the Liturgy of the Hours. No wonder it brings about a closeness to God!

We live in a challenging culture, which has disconnected itself from God, making each person his own god with the perceived ability to chart his own happiness and determine what’s right and wrong for himself. Yet, so many of these people certainly aren’t joyful or even happy.

I heard a great quote from a talk given at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame about St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), noting she “gave up happiness to seek joy.” I love that…

We know that we will only find our true joy in God, and it’s a joy that transcends through trials and tribulations whereas happiness is often aiming for an absence of suffering, which we know we cannot escape in this life. This joy manifests itself as a deep internal peace through trust in God and surety that He is leading us along the right path.

I personally feel evil at work in a deep and profound way with grave attacks on the Church, on the family, on our ability to gather as Christians to receive the Eucharist during the pandemic, to pray and just to connect, an essential part of the Church. 

Of course, God is working good through all of this, but I think we must take up our cross and join the battle, and the best way to do so is through prayer.

In fact prayer can effect much more than actions, according to some of the great teachers of our Church. In the book, “The Soul of the Apostolate” by Jean Baptiste Chautard, he says, “A short but fervent prayer will usually do more to bring about a conversion than long discussions or fine speeches.”

He goes on to say that a single burning prayer of St. Teresa of Avila converted 10,000 heretics and quotes a Chinese bishop as saying, “Ten Carmelite nuns praying will be of greater use to me than 20 missionaries preaching.”

I can’t resist sharing two more quotes from that book…

“It is their [meaning nuns, sisters, monks and brothers] secret but active love, which awakens the voice of mercy in every part of a world of sinners.”

“[A cloistered nun’s] fingers play upon the keyboard of divine forgiveness and of the eternal lights; this silent and lonely soul presides over the salvation of souls and the conquests of the Church.”

And I personally felt that on my silent retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani. It seems that these humble monks, who have been praying seven times a day for the last 150+ years, are holding the world together in their prayer.


Vatican II Invites the Laity to the Divine Office

Vatican II book

What first inspired me to start praying the Liturgy of the Hours again — and with regularity —  was a brilliant podcast from Brandon Vogt and Father Blake Britton. It’s called “How (and Why) to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours,” and it’s part of their awesome Burrowshire Podcast, which is sadly now retired, but you can still listen to the existing episodes. I highly recommend it!

They explain how the millennial and Gen Z generation, especially, though I’m part of Gen X and feel we are a part of that, as well, will be the ones to put the teachings of Vatican II in place in the world.

Vatican II sometimes is associated with the impression of “modernizing” the Church too much, but I recently read the documents, and it’s an incredibly easy read that in no way comes across that way to me. In fact, it’s a stunningly beautiful document. 

What Vatican II is doing is actually taking the Church back to its earliest days instead of the tradition that developed and that was in use before Vatican II. Vatican II is going back to an earlier tradition direct from the apostles and those who knew them. So it’s actually the opposite of “modernizing”.

I recommend reading Vatican II for yourself, as well, so you know where we’re called to take Catholicism into the future. It’s really like a mini-Cathechism.

Vatican II specifically calls the laity (non-priests and religious) to greater participation in the liturgy and life of the Church, including the Liturgy of the Hours.

Here are some of the things Vatican II (in the document Sancrosanctum Concilium) has to say about the Liturgy of the Hours (also called the Divine Office):

It is “the hymn which is sung in the realms above throughout every age” and that you are joining Jesus in “the divine singing together of a song of praise.” (Read my take on why praise should be a part of your prayer).

“The Divine Office is also a source of holiness and of nourishment for personal prayer insofar as it is the public prayer of the Church.” (Chapter 4: Paragraph 90)

“The Divine Office is the voice of the Church, of the whole mystical body, praising God in public.” (4:99)

“It is recommended that lay people also recite the Divine Office…” in addition to priests… as a group or alone. (4:100)


The Practicalities of How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours

liturgy of the hours - book bible

As most things that you truly want to add into your life, it must become a habit. And habits are most easily developed — and kept — when you attach the activity to something else you’re already doing, part of your daily routine.

My Liturgy of the Hours schedule looks like this:

  • Morning prayer (Lauds) after waking up and having breakfast
  • Daily Mass at 9 a.m. – Office of Readings
  • Vespers on days when I go to Adoration or take an evening walk
  • Night prayer (Compline) before going to bed

I attach morning prayer to my morning routine, part of the activities I do before beginning my work day. If I go to morning mass, I’ll usually take time to read the Office of Readings there before mass begins.

Lastly, night prayer takes place before I go to bed. The trick here is to go to bed before I can barely keep my eyes open, when I’m more likely to skip praying night prayer.

It doesn’t need to be anything complicated. And if you miss one, no big deal. Just get back to it at your next scheduled time.

And after visiting the Abbey of Gethsemani where I heard the monks chant the Liturgy of the Hours multiple times a day, I kind of got the hang of the chant ;-). It’s really quite easy: one note for the first line and then the same note, but go down at the end of the second line and then rotate back and forth. I am no singer, but have been able to master this.

I find I enjoy it so much more if I chant the prayers. It really makes them come alive!

To get the hang of it or to “chant” along with someone else, you can listen to them on Spotify created every day by Paul Rose. It’s called “The Liturgy of the Hours: Sing the Hours” and is beautiful to listen to, plus you can learn some Latin, learn the chant and follow along with the words he is singing.

I think you’ll find, like me, that you miss it when you don’t pray it and that the fruits of this prayer are tremendous!


Universalis App

The Universalis App

In terms of where to find the Liturgy of the Hours so you can pray them, I advise using the Universalis app. It’s $10 for one year, but wonderful and it makes it super easy to pray. It also has some other nice features, as well, in addition to the Liturgy of the Hours, that encourages you to stay in tune with the Catholic Church’s Liturgical Calendar (like saints feast days, etc.).

I’ve also discovered that Universalis now has a wonderful podcast where its creator explains the feasts and celebrations of the Church over the coming week and explains the history and various aspects of the Liturgy of the Hours. Super informative! Plus, he has a British accent, and who doesn’t enjoy a good British accent ;-).

You can also opt for Word on Fire’s book version of the Divine Office (another name for the Liturgy of the Hours) which is a subscription that comes in the mail each month.

I personally don’t like the book version. I like to be able to do it on the go, while walking, at church, anywhere, which is easiest to do on my phone. Plus, if all I have to do is open an app, and click on the hour I want to pray, I’m much more likely to do it!

Laudate is a free app that has the Liturgy of the Hours as an option, but they don’t have the official translation that religious pray. I found I did not like their translation, and praying with Universalis instead made all the difference.

Universalis also has a free one-month trial via their app “Catholic Calendar,” so you can see if you really want to delve into this or not.

If you want to learn more about the Liturgy of the Hours in a very easy-to-read approachable manner, I highly recommend reading “The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours” by Daria Sockey.

You may also want to take a look at what the USCCB has to say about the Liturgy of the Hours.

Questions? Post them below!

Religious Resolutions: My Spiritual Tasks for 2013

RCIA CatholicismAs we begin 2013, I find it the right time to begin to more consciously make an effort to eliminate bad habits and add new, productive habits into my life. I’ve spent the last year learning about Catholicism (barely scratching the surface!) but at least I’m informed enough now to have an idea of what changes I need to make to better my life.

So I thought I’d share with you, in the hopes you’ll share with me, my 2013 religious resolutions! In yesterday’s blog post, I talked about ways I will try to stick to these habits and how the structure of the church helps me in creating a routine that will become a part of my daily life. I plan to work on these resolutions slowly, focusing on one at a time until I feel like I’ve got that one adopted fairly well. Here we go…

My 2013 Religious Resolutions:

  • Pray the Rosary weekly. Also, pray a decade of the Rosary with my children weekly dedicated to someone in need or their recently deceased grandmother as a way to remember and honor her.
  • Spend an hour of adoration weekly in the Blessed Sacrament chapel or at Eucharistic Adoration when available.
  • Read the Bible daily and begin to explore Lectio Divino (a conscious reflecting of Biblical texts)
  • Blog at least 5 times per week on my Catholic Newbie blog.
  • Begin to work Christian meditation/contemplation into my routine (not sure how much yet)
  • Keep my body healthy by practicing moderation (not over indulging) in eating and by exercising my body 2-3 times weekly.
  • Once I am able (when I become fully Catholic), attend Reconciliation monthly.
  • Begin introducing my oldest son (8) to Adoration time.
  • Donate the amount we would spend on eating out for one meal monthly to our family’s choice of charity and have PB&J that night instead :).
  • Volunteer at a local charity one day per month.
  • Increase my tithing and donate more of my money to charitable organizations.
  • Engage my children in more charitable and volunteer activities.
  • Attend Mass weekly (I pretty much have this one down already :))
  • Be courageous in following God’s will.
  • Pray at least 2 Liturgy of the Hours daily.
  • Continue reading daily the Read the Catechism in a Year email.
  • Take one silent retreat this year.
  • Remember to see Christ in every one.
  • Get up earlier!

OK, so that’s a long list! Yikes! But these are all things I really want to work on. I think the key is to focus on one at a time so as not to get overwhelmed and do the best I can.

What are your Religious Resolutions for the New Year? Please share them and help hold me accountable to these!

My Favorite Catholic Prayers

Catholic RosaryAs a Catholic Newbie, I thought I’d share with you some of my most favorite Catholic prayers I have come across since embarking on this journey toward becoming Catholic.

I started with my husband’s Missal book from when he was a child to learn the basics. I already knew the Lord’s prayer from attending a Disciples of Christ church some when growing up, but was most excited at first to learn the “Hail Mary.” The Hail Mary is wonderful to pray during times of need, fear or just anytime you need comfort. Mary is a comforting presence.

I followed that with the “Glory Be” and then the prayers of the Rosary, including the Apostle’s Creed; Hail, Holy Queen; and Fatima Prayer.

After I got the basics down, Matthew Kelly’s “Rediscovering Catholicism” book (head over to my Catholic Resources page for more books) inspired me with some additional daily prayers:

  • I love this one in the face of temptation: “God, I know what is good and true, but I am still attracted to what is self-destructive. Give me strength, be my strength.” I repeat that last sentence a lot when tempted to sin or other non-productive behaviors.
  • To see what God wants from you today: “Lord open my eyes so that I may see.” And “What are you calling me to do and calling me to be?” Great prayers upon waking or before work.
  • When you sin: “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”
  • When in doubt: “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”
  • When you’re not sure what to pray: “Lord, teach us to pray.”
  • In fear: “Be not afraid.” (This is repeated MANY times in the Bible; we need not fear if we are following “the way”)
  • During fasting: “One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”

Some others I’ve come upon through reading, Mass and more:

  • In service to others: “Lord, send someone today whom I can serve.”
  • To your Guardian Angel: “Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.” A nice prayer for children.
  • One from the Benedictine tradition upon waking: “Lord open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.”

To keep myself focused on what is most important (ie NOT work), I pray the Liturgy of the Hours, a set of prayers said at specific times throughout the day, as much as I can daily. Almost always upon waking and upon going to bed, as well as 9 a.m. and noon and rarely 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. vespers (the witching hours of motherhood J). I LOVE the Liturgy of the Hours and am so glad I found my way to them. They are full of the Psalms, which are incredibly poetic, beautiful and comforting and they remind you of our greater purpose continually throughout the day.

Do you have favorite prayers that you’ve found along your journey? Please share!

Developing Kneeling Stamina

RCIA, New to CatholicismFor today’s post, I thought I’d lighten things up a bit! One of the real challenges of becoming Catholic is kneeling so much!

At no other church denomination I’ve ever attended can I recall kneeling, but it’s one of my favorite parts of Catholicism. It shows so much respect, reverence, humility and piety to be willing to kneel down before your God. But boy does it hurt after a while :)…

The hardest for me has been kneeling while saying the rosary. Thank goodness for padded kneelers, but even with those, after 20 minutes on my knees, these nearly 40-year-old knees ache pretty good.

Can I say I’ve found a solution for you? Not so much… At a retreat I attended, the church there did have some sort of special stool to help, but it probably would be more appropriate for the elderly rather than a healthy individual hogging one. I also try moving my knees slightly between decades of the rosary to get the blood moving again I suppose, but not sure how much that helps.

I suppose part of what we experience as children of God is suffering. Not that kneeling is any great suffering, but it’s a reminder of suffering and the pain of Christ on the cross. A little discomfort could do us all good. It keeps us humble and reminds us God is worth the sacrifice. I suppose kneeling also helps keep us in the present moment, keeps our thoughts from floating to the worries of the day and instead focused on our knees and what it is we are doing here on our knees.

I’m thinking that after a while of praying the Liturgy of the Hours (prayers that occur at regular hours during the day) and attending Daily Mass, the old knees ought to develop some stamina. Can anyone out there confirm? Any tips on developing kneeling stamina?