Finding Time for the Rosary Amid the Chaos of Summer
Well, just when I thought I had my rosary routine down, blammo, busted! Kids at home for summer and barely enough time to get my work done amidst Mom time :). I had been praying my rosary and taking some time to blog and read the Bible from 12-1 each day, but now I spend that as a work break with my kiddos by playing a game or just chatting.
So… how to fit in the rosary that I so desperately want to pray? I came up with the perfect solution! Think about it… what is a task that you do every day where you could recite the rosary while doing it? I’ve determined two great places: the shower & taking the dog for a walk.
Why not pray the rosary while doing such tasks? It’s quiet and otherwise your mind would be probably occupied with meaningless nonsense :). Why not occupy it with prayer?
If I can’t quite fit it all in during my shower, then I spread it throughout the day. I don’t imagine Mary minds so long as I get the whole thing in. So a decade here, a decade there and if I’m not done by the end of the day, surely I can pray the last decade or two before going to sleep.
I’m also reading a great book called “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission” by John R. Wood (which I highly recommend for a down-to-earth look at how to be the best Catholic you can be) and he notes he prays the rosary while driving to work each day. Love it!
I’m so happy to have found a way to work in the rosary and prayer into a busy summer, but I also will be glad to get back to a more peaceful, quiet way of praying it this fall. Can you think of ways to work in the rosary if it’s falling off your list? Let me know the most unusual places you’ve prayed it!