Christmas Catholic Book Giveaway
If you’re anything like me, you love to read! Since I became interested in Catholicism and converted, the stack of Catholic books on my shelf is sky high — with many unread — but I just can’t resist buying new ones that pique my interest. If I’m any kind of an addict, it’s for books. They are always the one thing when we clean out our house, I just can’t stand to give away. 🙂
So here is a great new contest from the team at Teresa Tomeo Communications, run by the fabulous Catholic TV and radio show host Teresa Tomeo. As a part of the team who promotes various Catholic authors, organizations and projects, we’re giving away 15 awesome Catholic books from authors like Teresa, Dan Burke, Randy Hain, Matthew Kelly, Al Kresta, Father Mitch Pacwa and more. Plus, you have a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card to purchase whatever you’d like this Christmas. It’s Teresa’s gift to you and a way to share some of her favorite Catholic writers.
There are a bunch of ways to enter and the more you do, the better your chances to win. Browse the list below and choose which ways (or all ways!) you’d like to enter. Be sure to complete your entries before Dec. 9 (and there are a few entries you can do daily that involve promoting the contest to your network) when the contest closes. Then we will announce the winners on Dec. 10 via social media and by contacting you via the email you submit.
If there’s a particular book you’re interested in, note that in your entry or be sure to complete the Answer a Question entry that asks which book you’d like to win. Complete contest rules are available at That’s it! Go enter below and good luck!
- $50 Amazon Gift Card
- “God’s Bucket List” by Teresa Tomeo
- “The Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage” by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
- “These Beautiful Bones” by Emily Stimpson
- “Something More” by Randy Hain
- “Dangers to the Faith” by Al Kresta
- “Navigating the Interior Life” by Dan Burke
- “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” by Matthew Kelly
- “Real Men Pray the Rosary” by David Calvillo
- “Big Hearted” by Patti Armstrong and Theresa Thomas
- “Dear God, I Don’t Get It” by Patti Armstrong
- “Pope Francis” by Matthew Bunson
- “A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms” by Lisa Hendey
- “Experience Grace in Abundance” by Johnnette Benkovic
- “Mission Libertad” by Lizette Lantigua
- A Mass Journal from Dynamic Catholic