Do you Really Know Mary? Win a Copy of Meet Your Mother
If you are new to the Catholic church or considering joining, Mary is definitely going to be a topic that will come up again and again. Catholics’ reverence of Mary differs greatly from Protestants, and so for many, it’s a long process of understanding why this is so. While this was never an issue for me (where purgatory and contraception were), I truly didn’t have the faintest idea WHY Catholics held Mary in such high regard, and only over time have I begun to grasp the surface of the vast depths of wisdom and grace that is Mary.
My affection for Mary began once I actually joined the Catholic Church. I began to desire to pray the Rosary and the Angelus, consecrated myself to Jesus through Mary and learned more about Our Lady and she has blessed me abundantly. The more I’ve read and researched, the more astounded I am at how amazing this woman truly is and how our reverence, while solidly grounded in the fact that she is the Mother of Jesus, goes much, much deeper.
Mark Miravalle in his book, Meet Your Mother (see how you can win 1 of 4 copies below), does the best job I’ve seen of presenting a thorough, yet easy-to-read look at Mary and all the issues surrounding her, such as her Immaculate Conception, maintaining her virginity, her Assumption into heaven and more. Most of the books I’ve read on this topic barely skimmed the surface and focused more on the virtues of Mary that we should imitate (of course, good information, too :)).

“Virgo det Josef Moroder” by Wolfgang Moroder – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Dr. Miravelle really takes an intellectual’s look at the role of Mary in salvation and overcomes any possible argument you could have to the contrary. If you love to read and learn and dive deeply into a topic, this is the book for you if you desire to know Our Blessed Mother more deeply.
But don’t be concerned that it’s too theological or challenging to read. It IS theological but it’s presented in a way anyone can understand.
I absolutely loved this book and I think it should be required reading for ANYONE joining the Catholic church. Not only should you understand Mary as a Catholic, but you are missing SO MUCH not to delve deeply into the mystery of Mary. I’ll telling you … Mary is a topic I could sit and ponder the rest of my life and still not get it all :).
Thanks to the folks at Catholic Word (for more information and their selection of books, visit and Marian Press, I have four copies of this awesome book to give away and help share the love and joy that comes from Mary whose greatest desire is to save souls for her Son. Enter to win below!
I’d also love to hear from you what questions you have about Mary. A big one for me is how it was determined she is the dispenser of all graces for Jesus. What questions do you have? And do you have a special moment to share about Mary? Please tell us!
In an upcoming post, I’m going to attempt to summarize some key teachings about Mary. I hope to do so in a way that does not diminish their greatness by my simplicity, but that gives a quick look at Our Blessed Mother so more souls may understand and be blessed by her.
I belong to Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, and I love that title. Mary is always there to help us. I’m a Catholic Newbie, too, and I’d love to read more about Mary!
For some reason of late Our Lady of Sorrows has meaning for me, especially during difficult times. It’s amazing to meditate on the sorrows she must have felt. Congrats on joining the Church! How is it going for you so far?
It is absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. Well, maybe second to marrying my husband. 🙂 I’m so happy to be Catholic – I feel like I’ve finally come home.
Yea!! As Teresa Tomeo likes to say, “Welcome home to Rome” 🙂
What OT or NT scriptures reference the Assumption of Mary and the Crowning of Mary?
Well, first I would say read this book. It will do a better job explaining this than I ever will :). But I will briefly try…
Second, Catholics don’t believe that God’s truth is solely revealed through what’s written in the Bible but also in tradition that has been passed down from Jesus’ time, as well. This is where some of the beliefs come about Mary. Keep in mind, that there was no New Testament when Jesus lived and for a while after his time as well. Jesus never asked anyone to write down the Bible (at least not as it’s recorded in the Bible), but rather to teach others and it turns out one of the ways they passed down these traditions besides speaking them was writing them down. We believe as long as they were passed from the apostles and disciples from bishop to bishop and pope to pope — even verbally — and are upheld by the Church, these teachings are the truth.
Third, there is some basis for these in scripture. Catholics believe Mary is the new Eve, the woman mentioned in Genesis who would crush Satan. Jesus refers to Mary as “woman” many times, which we believe is a reference to this passage. We, thus, believe both Eve and Mary were born without sin and while Eve helped cause the downfall of humanity, Mary helped ensure our salvation by aiding her son and perfectly obeying God’s will. Because she was born without sin — and NEVER sinned — she did not face the resulting consequence of death — or even the pains of childbirth for that matter. Plus, no one has ever laid claim to Mary’s body or tomb. There is also a Revelation passage in Chapter 12 that Catholics believe references Mary, regarding the woman in labor, where it says “where God had prepared a place for her,” which we believe to be heaven.
That starts to scratch the surface at least… I highly recommend you read this book to better understand where the beliefs come from. Thanks for the question, as it’s one many people have!
Well, I don’t know if this counts but I started feeling a strong calling to Mary over the last couple of years. Im still trying to navigate my faith and make the move to officially convert to Catholicism. I was raised Baptist. I would love to own this book 🙂
Wonderful! I was baptized Baptist myself and have some family members who are Baptist so I have some understanding of the differences. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns I can help you sort through.
I’ve been thinking about becoming catholic for a while now, and I want to learn more about mary!
That’s great! Please let me know if you have any questions I can help answer about Catholicism as you discern becoming Catholic. Feel free to email me anytime.
Right now I call her the Blessed Mother. Since losing my own mother 8 years ago Mary is very special to me.
I think many people feel that way, as many have lost their mothers or have imperfect mothers. Mary can be that mother for all of us and she is so kind and gentle and loving :).
I have this tool you’re using for the book giveaway and I love Mary too!
Awesome! Thanks for commenting!
I love Mary. I am a new convert (Easter 2014) and when I think of Mary and all that she endured as a mother it makes me want to cry. She stands at the foot of the cross and her job is to bring people to her son, Jesus. She knows our pain, she has lived it. Mary brings our prayers to God and prays for us. I love Mary! I know these may be rather simplistic thoughts, but I would love to learn more about our Blessed Mother. Peace!
Thanks Jenn and congrats on joining the Church! Your comments are a wonderful summary of all that is Mary. I think simply explaining a difficult concept is a gift and you did a great job summarizing Mary and her role for us. Thanks for posting!
I have had a strong devotion to Our Lady for a very long time. One of my favorite titles of our Lady is Theotokos which is the Greek title of Mary.
As for special moments with Mary, For me, Every day is a special moment because I get to experience life in a new way, and I know that she as my spiritual mother loves me and is with me always.
Thanks Joe!
Our Lady of Good Counsel because that is where I went to elementary!
I had not heard of that one. Thanks for sharing!