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A Catholic Newbie Question…

Got newbie questions? You’re not alone! I do, too. Here’s one that I wonder about every time we read it at mass. I would love any help with the answer!

In the below Gospel reading, how do the people Jesus is speaking to know what He’s talking about when He tells them to “take up their cross” when He has not died on the cross yet? Is it because this was a common occurrence at that time so people were familiar with the reference? Or do they not understand the reference yet? That one always gets me thinking…

“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Lk 9:23)

Thanks for the help!


Do Not Fear

Catholic RCIAThis is one of the most repeated phrases by Jesus in the Bible – “Do not fear” or some variation. But so many of us worry, and worry and worry. I decided long ago as a child when I had to have a tooth pulled that worry was useless. What good did it do to torture myself with worry when either way I STILL had to have that tooth pulled. Might as well not think about it until it was actually happening.

That’s not to say I never worry, but I try not to let it take a front seat and mess up my day. But there are members of my family who truly paralyze themselves with worry, letting it destroy their life. And there are so many things you could worry about — and they do. What quality of life is that? I pray to you Lord to release them from their worry.

Here is one of my favorite Gospel passages about worry from Matthew, Chapter 6, that provides me with infinite comfort:

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat?’ or What shall we drink?’ or What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.”

34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”

If only we can put our trust in God, we can release all worry. “Do not be anxious about tomorrow.” Yes!

Another good read for worriers: “The Worrier’s Guide to the Bible” by Gary Zimak.

5 Must-Dos for the Catholic RCIA Candidate

RCIA Candidate ResourcesSince I was a Catholic RCIA candidate this time last year, anxiously awaiting Easter and my full communion with the Church, I thought I’d share several resources that I found to be indispensable as a Catholic newbie. Of course it goes unsaid that everyone should have a Catholic Bible (New American version) and a Catechism of the Catholic Church, so I’m going to skip past those. Here are my 5 must-dos for RCIA candidates:

1) Read “Rediscover Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly – This book changed my vision of the Catholic church from stodgy and out of date to the most genius I have yet to come upon. If you’re struggling with any of the common issues, such as praying to Mary, fasting, the Eucharist, etc., Kelly explains it in an easy-to-understand way that makes sense in today’s world. It is FREE at Go order your copy today! 

2) Catholic Radio – I did not discover Catholic radio until halfway through RCIA and I could not believe what I had missed. Here in Indy, you can listen to Catholic Radio on 90.9 or 89.3. All day long are shows to help you learn about your Catholic faith. Teresa Tomeo and Al Kresta help you understand the issues of the day in light of the Catholic faith and shows like Open Line and Catholic Answers help explain some of the intricacies of the faith. Good stuff!

3) Laudate & Mass Times App – Now that you’re becoming Catholic, you should never miss mass! To help, use the Mass Times smartphone app when you travel to make sure you can find the closest churches and look up their mass times. Laudate is a wonderful free app that includes the daily scripture readings, saint of the day write up, a whole host of prayers, the complete New American Bible and so much more. All at your fingertips and FREE!

4) A Rosary – Honoring Mary is one of the most wonderful gifts you can give yourself. She is a loving, caring mom who if you ask her, will guide you on your Catholic journey. I began praying the rosary nearly every day early last summer and it’s such a blessing. Find a rosary online or at your local Catholic bookstore (there are some very inexpensive ones) or just use your 10 fingers! You’ll need to learn how to pray it, which is tough for a newbie. Real Men Pray the Rosary has a great explanation (see here), as does the Laudate app (in fact they have podcasts you can listen to so you don’t even have to remember what to say). I recommend finding a pamphlet or printing out the Real Men Pray the Rosary one and following it until you have it memorized (it will take a while, no worries :)).

5) “The Catholicism Answer Book: The 300 Most Frequently Asked Questions” by Kenneth Brighenti – I had a TON of questions on the most basic tenets of Catholicism, especially on things like indulgences, praying to saints, why certain things are done at mass, etc. The best resource I found that answered nearly all my questions and explained things simply was “The Catholicism Answer Book.” I “checked it out” for free as a Kindle ebook from my local library, but you can buy from Amazon, too.

What resources have you found to be helpful during the RCIA process? Let me know if you have any questions or concerns that I can help with as a recent RCIA candidate. Email me at!

My Favorite Catholic Books as Gift Ideas

Truth be told, there is nothing I’d rather receive for a gift than a book. Jewelry, nope. Clothing, nope. Perfume, nope, not for me. But books? Bring ’em on! I am a book-oholic for sure, as I can’t resist buying one with an intriguing title or one where I just heard the author on the radio or one a trusted source recommends. So suffice it to say I have stacks!

For the last year or so, I just can’t seem to quench my thirst for Catholic books, and I’ve read quite a few over that period. Here are a few that I’d recommend as gifts for the newbie Catholic OR the cradle Catholic — a good book is a good book.

Rediscover Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly – This is perfect for an RCIA candidate, someone new to Catholicism, someone who’s fallen away from the faith or someone who just wants an easy-to-understand refresher about the holy Catholic church. This book helped sell me on becoming Catholic. Kelly made sense of all the things that, to me, seemed outdated and illogical: fasting, going to mass EVERY week, penances and more. It is a simple read that can make a big difference in a person’s life. You can get FREE copies at

RCIA CatholicismGod’s Bucket List” by Teresa Tomeo – Listening to Teresa Tomeo, who hosts a national radio show on Catholic Radio every morning, is one of the favorite parts of my day. She is fun to listen to — you feel just like you’re chatting with your girlfriend — and she gives a Catholic perspective on the news of the day, as well as interviews all sorts of authors and experts in Catholicism. She’s helped me make sense of my new faith on many an occasion. In her characteristic personable style, she’s written a new book all about discerning God’s plans for you. A play on the pop culture phrase “bucket list,” she encourages readers to follow God’s bucket list for their lives instead of their own and gives you step by step instructions to start making that shift. A fun and insightful read.

Imitating Mary: Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom” by Marge Fenelon – This book is a wonderful study of Mary for moms. Fenelon walks you through all the key stories in the Bible that mention Mary, encouraging you to imagine how she must have felt. She then points out her most blessed virtues in the face of much surprise and sadness and shows us how we can embrace those virtues as moms with action steps for each chapter. Every Catholic mom should read!

Holy Land by Father Mitch PacwaThe Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage” by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. – I also love listening to Father Mitch on Catholic Radio when takes questions about Catholicism on shows like Open Forum. He was the first one who made sense of purgatory and redemptive suffering for me! He explains things so simply and clearly, and in this new book, he helps you understand the geographical setting of the Bible in order to better understand the scriptures. It’s a lovely book, which literally takes you step by step through all the key sites in the Holy Land, offering insight, prayers, meditations and scripture readings. This is a good gift for any Catholic, or especially those who are are tough to buy for.

The Story of a Soul” by St. Therese of Lisieux – Learn from this beautiful little saint how you can turn all the “little” things in your life into gifts to God. She shows you that God doesn’t always require big actions and that the simplest acts of denial and sacrifice can benefit other souls when offered up to God. She is my confirmation saint and I love her dearly :).

Theology of the BodyThese Beautiful Bones” by Emily Stimpson – This book is one of the best written books I’ve come across — she truly turns words into a work of art. I’d recommend it for those interested in theology or who want to deepen their Catholicism. It may prove to be a tough read for a newbie unless they’ve dived headfirst into theology. I loved this book, though. She shows you how to use the body God has given us for His glory in everything we do from cooking and cleaning to how we dress and more. It’s full of quote after quote. If you’re looking for a truly lyrical read about Catholicism, this is it!

These are some of my favorites from the past year that I think others would enjoy. Get them for yourself or for others for Christmas or as books to read in the New Year. Happy reading!