Welcome to the Catholic Newbie blog and thanks so much for stopping by. Here is a little bit about me.
I’m a 30+ year nonbeliever who never would have dreamed I’d be looking at the self I am today — Catholic and passionately so! All I can say is “never say never.” I’ve learned that again and again!
I’m a wife and mother of two school-age boys, who lives in the lovely little village of Zionsville near Indianapolis. I’m a Butler Bulldog who writes about travel for many national media outlets and shows others how to fly their families almost entirely free, we do on, on my website, FamiliesTravelFree.com.
If you’re interested in visiting Rome, you may want to check out my post on 50 Magical Things to Do in Rome, The Eternal City.
I struggle like everyone else with balancing religion, family and work. That is a job in itself!
I came to Catholicism in 2011 after being married to a nonpracticing Catholic for 10+ years. I had never had a shred of interest — and in fact was averse to it — until I began to feel a faint desire to go to the local Catholic church. It only grew from there!
[Read my full conversion story HERE]
If I can help you in your journey in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at lyn AT catholicnewbie.com. I’m happy to be a sounding board, share my experience, pray for you or answer any questions you might have.
If you like my blog, please consider signing up to get my posts by email by signing up in the box on the home page. Thanks for reading and remember to “let your light shine.”