Quote for Thought
Here’s a great quote I came across in the Matthew Kelly book I just completed: “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” (awesome read! More on that later :)). Give it some thought today:
“If you are what you should be, you will set the world ablaze.” – Catherine of Siena
I love this book!! If only I could be all that God has created me to be!!! My goal, but so far from it. Great quote from St. John of the Cross – “Those who understand God more, understand more distinctly the infinitude which remains to be understood; whereas those who see less of Him do not realize what remains to be seen.”
Congratulations on your coming into the Catholic church. May the Holy Spirit set you on fire!!!
Very thought provoking quote! Thank you for your kind comment :). I am lucky enough to get to see Matthew Kelly this weekend. So excited!