Spiritual Warfare: 12 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Evil
There was a period where I felt strongly that my family — especially my youngest son and I — were experiencing spiritual warfare. Essentially, this means we felt attacked by evil with sudden, unexplained phenomena with evil components entering our lives.
As a new Catholic, I knew some basics like praying to St. Michael, spraying the house with holy water and blessing my child with the sign of the cross, but I was unsure what else to do besides ask my friends for prayers. When I made that ask, my friends responded so generously in all their wisdom of Catholicism with some amazing tips. And they are tips EVERYONE needs to know.
12 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Spiritual Warfare
Here are some steps you can take to protect your family from evil spirits if you are feeling spiritually attacked courtesy of my wonderful Catholic friends:
- St. Michael Prayer and Chaplet – In addition to praying the St. Michael prayer (which I have learned by heart 🙂 and pray with my middle school son nightly), there is also a St. Michael chaplet that you can pray with a special set of beads or on the free Laudate app for smartphones (just touch the “virtual” beads with your fingers as you pray). You can also ask a priest to pray the St. Michael prayer over you or your family.
- Guardian Angels – For parents who feel their children are undergoing spiritual warfare, you can ask your guardian angel to work with their guardian angel to protect them.
- Fasting – Fasting combined with prayer, as said in the Bible and by many saints, is one of the most effective ways to ensure your prayers are heard — and hopefully answered. I know this has worked miracles for me in the past.
- Blessed Salt – Have a priest, deacon or exorcist bless a container of salt. In addition to cooking with it, sprinkle it around your house as a shield.
- Bless Your Home – Have a priest bless your home at least yearly.
- Crucifix – Have a crucifix in every room of your home, especially your children’s rooms and by the front door.
- Rosary – Pray it daily, as a family — even a decade — if you can!
- Blessings – Bless your children with the sign of the cross with holy water (you can get it at the baptismal font in your church) before bed and before they leave the house.
- Backpacks – For kids, place a blessed rosary and Miraculous Medal in their backpack, so it will always be close to them. You can also use a St. Benedict medal with an exorcism blessing.
- Adoration – Spend time in adoration or in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
- Miraculous Medal – Place a Miraculous Medal underneath the mattress of every person in your house. As soon as I placed the Medal under the mattress of my son’s bed, the problems STOPPED. It was amazing!
- Prayer – Suggested Prayers
- “Heavenly Father, if there are demons prowling around looking for the souls of my family, I ask in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, that you cast them out and protect us from the evil one. Amen.”
- Ask the blood of Jesus to cover the person and protect them. It was the blood that Christ shed that washed away evil.
- With the cross of Jesus I come against and I pull down all demonic strongholds in PERSON’S NAME’s mind and body in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit.
With the cross of Jesus I come against and I break all demonic strongholds in PERSON’S NAME’s mind and body in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit.
With the cross of Jesus I come against and I demolish all demonic strongholds in PERSON’S NAME’s mind and body in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit.
I seal PERSON’S NAME’s mind and body with the blood of Jesus and reclaim all of its territories for Christ in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit
I asked The blessed Virgin Mary to bind and cast out all demonic influences from PERSON’S NAME bringing them to the foot of the cross of her son Jesus where they are defeated forever never to return. AMEN
Have you ever felt spiritual warfare or attacks of evil? How did you protect yourself and your family? I would love to hear more suggestions!
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- 10 Things I Wish All Non-Catholic Christians Knew About Catholicism
- What Catholics Need to Know About Pornography
- My favorite Catholic Resources & Catholic Books
- Why did I convert to Catholicism? Read my Conversion Story
- Catholic Newbie’s Most Popular Posts
- How to Start a Conversation about Catholicism Anywhere
- 13 Things to Do After RCIA to Keep Your Faith on Fire
- 11 Ways to Work the Rosary into Your Busy Day
- The 1 Thing I Wish All RCIA Candidates Knew About Confession
- My First Reconciliation/Confession Experience
How about this TAN book
Thanks for sharing!
Some of his videos
Manual for Spiritual Warfare: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtkMzIWCdCzMiqIryW_N5XeHa3tPCTYRw
Put miraculous medals under the mattress by your head and above the door moldings.
Great idea!!! I am doing that today for all members of my house hold 🙂
another book maybe?
How about this book?
Hosted by Johnnette Benkovic, Women of Grace encourages and affirms women in their dignity as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity.
Johnnette Benkovic and Dr. Paul Thigpen continue their discussion on spiritual warfare, and inspiring saints to beseech. Part 2 of 5.
Tuesday, May 24 at 12:00 pm
Wednesday, May 25 at 12:30 am
TV-PG Duration: 00:30
Dr. Paul Thigpen details specific character traits Saints have that will help people to be like them in the midst of spiritual warfare. Hosted by Johnnette Benkoic, part 3 of 5.
Wednesday, May 25 at 12:00 pm
Thursday, May 26 at 12:30 am
TV-PG Duration: 00:30
Johnnette Benkovic and Dr. Paul Thigpen conclude their discussion on spiritual warfare and inspirational saints. Part 5 of 5.
Thursday, May 26 at 12:00 pm
Friday, May 27 at 12:30 am
TV-PG Duration: 00:30
Johnnette Benkovic and Dr. Paul Thigpen conclude their discussion on spiritual warfare and inspirational saints. Part 5 of 5.
Friday, May 27 at 12:00 pm
Saturday, May 28 at 12:30 am
TV-PG Duration: 00:30
Thanks for sharing Jeff!
Thank you for these prayers and ideas. Praying with strong faith, believe in God’s promises and His power, that they are being heard and answered. This is an important key to their effectiveness.
Another long standing practice is to add a blessed cross with a relic or a blessed icon indoors over each entrance threshold to your home, not just the front door.
Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
NEW video on EWTN that is relevant
I say the Rosary nearly every day, but I do miss days, I am not perfect.
I wear a crucifix, a St Benedict medal, an Our Lady of Consolation medal and a beautiful French enamel of Mary from France. I have an alter in my bedroom that has 6 statues of Mary, a Russian icon of Mary and an icon of a guardian angel, 2 St Jude statues, an Infant of Prague Statue, an embroidered picture of OLMC, and the most beautiful of all, an 8×10 picture of the Sacred Heart done by an Italian artist in the 1800s.
I also have holy cards taped to my mirror and some near the lightswitch.
I practice my spirituality in a way that probably nobody on this blog would approve of or accept, but that is ok.
I think it sounds wonderful Elizabeth-Anne! I too try to pray the rosary daily, but do miss days as well 🙂 I usually get in at least a decade.
Hello there,
I like all your suggestions and do similar things myself. However, in my own case I find that the evil spirits often attack us (at least me) through other people; even Church going people can indulge terribly in gossip and slander even right outside the Church door shortly after receiving Communion. I don’t usually stop to talk to anyone in or outside the Church but recently I did and I was appalled at the outcome. To make things worse I disagreed with what was being said and no doubt added to my list of enemies.
Eddy Barry
Waterford City
Absolutely. We are all sinners and gossip is a big temptation for sure. But don’t let that stop you from talking to people. You just need to find the ones who don’t gossip 🙂 – I know they are there! Keep looking :). It took me about three years to feel like I fit in at my parish and find some wonderful friends who are passionate about Catholicism like me. You’ll get there, I promise!
I never knew about putting the Miraculous Medal under the mattress, but you can be sure I will do so tonite.
I do wear a cross, a St Benedict medal, a lovely antique blue enamel BVM medal from France and a Sorrowful Mother medal as well.
I also have an alter in my room with many statues, pictures, icons, etc.
I found that the best help in Spiritual Warfare is the Armor of God that was given to us in Ephesians
The Armor of God Prayer Ephesians 6:11
“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then
with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In
addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on pra
ying for all the saints. “
First Put on the Armor of God
The Helmet of Salvation
Thank you, Lord, for my salvation. I receive
it in a new and fresh way from You,
and I declare that nothing can separate me now from the love
of Christ and the place I shall ever have in Your kingdom.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
And yes, Lord, I wear Your righteousness today against all
condemnation and corruption. Fit me with Your
holiness and puritydefend me from all assaults against my heart.
The Belt of Truth
Lord, Iput on the belt of truth. I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity. Show me the truths I so desperately need today. Expose the lies that I am not even aware that I believe.
The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
I do choose to live for the gospel at any moment. Show me wh
ere You are working and lead me to it. Do not let me become slack in my walk.
The Shield of Faith Jesus,
I lift the confidence that You are good against every lie and every assault of the enemy. You have good in store for me. Nothing is coming today that can overcome me because You are with me.
The Sword of the Spirit
Holy Spirit, show me specifically today the truths of the Word of God that I will need to counter the snares of the enemy. Bring them to mind throughout the day.
Thank you Linda! It is so beautiful how the Lord literally gives us exactly how we can defend ourselves with His living Word. There is a bible study by Priscilla Shiver that spends 8 weeks going through this scripture to help defend us in our daily battles.
Also, I was reading from a Catholic exorcist priest that the artifacts, medals – even blessed ones, have no power if we don’t have faith in Jesus. He is our strength and the medals, crosses et are beautiful symbols of our faith.
God bless us all as we fight these daily battles against the evil who would love to destroy us. However…
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!”
Philippians 4:13
Being a convert from a cessationist Protestant tradition (we didn’t believe that any of this still goes on) this has been a difficult topic to work into my thinking. I am trying to, though, especially as our family has had a crazy stream of crises, one after the other, and they aren’t letting up. This is a useful list. 🙂
Hi Desiree, thanks very much for your comment! Yes, it is difficult to get your head around and it certainly was for me at first, as well. However, I have found it is now often VERY obvious when this is happening — often laughably so, though at the same time frustrating and scary. Again, for me, employing the Miraculous Medal has been the best way to throw off such attacks. Simply carrying it, wearing it, putting it in backpacks or under beds literally works “miracles” :).
Praying the word of God sincerely. Is on way to advance. .also watch who you talk to to,not everyone is looking out out for you or your future.
Praise God. He has given us all the athority. Fasting and praying. Salt and water blessed and Holy hour spiritual warfare prayers tje divine meecy rosary. should be said at 3pm every day for a month. I know for a fact rhis has taken away evil from homes.
I am not catholic, still I believe in Jesus and pray for health wealth and happiness to everyone reading it.